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A Guide to Stem Cell Therapy for Dogs

Kapolei Pet Hospital • Sep 03, 2022

Dogs can develop injuries, medical conditions, and chronic diseases that cause uncomfortable symptoms and complications. Stem cell therapy is a revolutionary treatment that can reverse specific health issues and help canines recover. If you're curious about this procedure and wondering whether your pet needs it, here's what to know.

What Is Stem Cell Therapy?

Stem cells are the raw material from which various cell types can develop. In fact, they can be programmed or developed into specific units, such as blood, nerve, or heart muscle cells, by introducing a particular set of genes into them.

Stem cell therapy uses these units to manage serious conditions in dogs, similarly to humans. The process involves extracting stem cells from the canines' bone marrow, fat, or umbilical cord blood. Then, veterinarians inject the cells into diseased or damaged tissues in a dog's body. 

The units divide and multiply, stimulating the growth of new, healthy tissues, which can reverse illnesses and accelerate healing. The therapy can also relieve inflammation, minimize swelling, and reduce pain. 

How Can It Benefit Canines?

Stem cell therapy is still being researched and developed. However, it already provides significant benefits for canines experiencing chronic health problems. The most common use of stem cells for dogs involves transplanting healthy cells into bones, joints, tendons, and ligaments to treat osteoarthritis and orthopedic injuries in canines

By targeting such areas, the treatment helps improve your pup's range of motion and increase mobility. It can also allow their bones, joints, and soft tissues to become stronger and reduce pain, swelling, and inflammation. Additionally, stem cell therapy has the potential to successfully treat tumors, cancer, blood disorders, diabetes, and autoimmune diseases in canines.

If your dog ever develops an injury or illness, contact Kapolei Pet Hospital in Hawaii. This veterinarian offers various services to pets throughout Oahu's west side, including stem cell therapy, radiology, blood testing, and surgery. Call (808) 462-8040 to book an appointment with this clinic, and visit the website to learn more about how they can keep your furry friend healthy and happy. 

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